Individual Testimonies of Jesus' Saving Grace

Stories of Hope

Together we are making a difference.

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Let the redeemed of the LORD say so...

— Psalm 107:2a
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Our Mission

Our mission is to use modern technology to give a voice to your story of how you came to Jesus Christ.  Never has it been easier to tell your story.

Let us help you create your story page and a testimony tract (the size of a business card) with a scannable QR code and URL address that you can pass out to make it simple to share your faith in Christ with others in this fast-paced society.

Your page will also have the social share buttons you see to your right, making it easy for visitors to text or email your link, as well as copy the link to paste on all Social Media platforms directly, such as Facebook.

Imagine the possibilities!  Just ONE card left at a table with a GOOD tip can start a chain reaction that is shared indefinitely!!  There's no telling how far your testimony will go and how many may come to Christ because of your willingness to tell your story.  GO FOR IT!!

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?
— Jesus Christ (Luke 14:28)

Get Started Today for a Donation of $5 or More Once + $5/mo Hosting

(1) We must be in agreement that according to Ephesians 2:8-9, Salvation is "by grace" and "through faith", and furthermore "not of works, lest any man should boast."  Simply stated, no religious works of any kind can contribute to being saved.  Not baptistm; not church membership; not exercising gifts of the Spirit; not anything.  The work of salvation was completed by Christ on the Cross only to be received as a free gift when one repents and believes the Gospel.

(2) Fill out the form below.  Further instructions will then be provided via email as quicly as possible.  Provided full cooperation, your new page will be launched as quickly as a volunteer's availability opens up to work on your specific project.  Due to growing demands, the waiting period can be rather lengthy, but as we grow we pray to reduce wait periods as God sends help our way.

(3) Make a donation to our ministry of $5 or more.  You will be redirected to the link after you submit this form.  After your one time donation, you will then be redirected to set up your $5/mo hosting.  This small amount collectively is expected to help us keep costs low for everyone over time as God blesses this ministry.

*We reserve the right to turn down any project at our sole discretion without explanation.

Here's What's Included!

Your Testimony Web Page
(+QR Code to put on your self-published or ordered business cards)
*Let us know if you want us to design and order your tracks.  There would be a charge to do it in house.

Donate $5 or More
+ $5/mo Hosting
Your Page Will...
  • Host your 10-12 minute or less video (provided by you).  Feel free to ask for tips and pointers.
  • Briefly mention your church and/or ministry with any related links as applicable.
  • Have a Contact form for your visitors to reach out to you directly (via email) to let you know if they received Christ or were otherwise blessed by your story.  This will create a discipleship opportunity for you and/or your pastor to help them grow in their walk with Christ.

The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.

— Psalm 68:11

See Examples of a Few Testimonial Pages Already Published!

Back   web

Bruce Freeman

"From the Nighclub to The Nazarene!"
Back   web

Gary Caudill

"Rescued from Ruins!"
Back   web

Jimmy Caudill

"Loved to Life!"

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,
and by the word of their testimony...

— Rev. 12:11